Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ayurvedic and Herbal benefits of garlic

Garlic is mostly reputated for its antibacterial properties. It works as antiviral also. It has substances that will help control bacterial, fungal, yeast and viral worm infections. Fresh garlic also prevents food poisoning by E. coli.
Skin infections
Garlic has a chemical named ajoene, which may help treat fungal skin infections. It is very helpful herbs to treat ringworm.
Reduce blood pressure and cloting
Angiotensin II is a dangerous chemical that contracts blood vessels thus increased blood pressure. Garlic contains Allicin that blocks angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. Garlic also reduces chances of blood cloting, which is helpful to reduce the chances of stroke and heart diseases.
Protect heart
Garlic also play a major role against cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. Garlic may help reduce the lose of ability to stretch arteries. It reduces the damages done by free oxygen radicals.
Fight against allergies
Garlic has anti-inflammatory property. It can fight against allergies. Raw garlic juice also used to stop the itching of bug bites.
Garlic has the ability to lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol.
Solution for Respiratory problems
Garlic can reduce the frequency and number of colds. It also reduce the harshness of upper respiratory tract infections. It is used as herbal treatment for asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. In reducing chronic bronchitis, it also works like a magic herbs.
Herbal for Diabetes
Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar level.
Cancer prevention
Daily intake of garlic can reduce the chances of cancer. According to studies, diallyl sulphide found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens, which causes breast cancer.

Put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth. It can help to reduce the toothaches. 

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