1. Grape: Just not a fruit, grapes are
great herbal also. To add glow, rub few grapes on to your face. You can use it
by mashing the grapes also
2. Rose water and Cucumber Juice: Mix
the cucumber juice with rose water and glycerin. Use it when you are outing.
3. Turmeric, milk with Sandalwood: Make
a paste with those elements and apply on face for a few minutes. It will give
your skin a natural glow and freshness.
4. Honey with cream: Cream will work
great when mixing with honey before applying on the skin.
5. Lemon with milk and salt: Fresh
milk, pinch of salt and little lime juice; these can remove skin pores.
6. Tomato Juice: tomato is a natural
magic. Juice it and use it in skin. Lots of anti-oxidant is in there which will
work as anti-aging cream.
7. Honey with Cabbage juice: Honey is a
great supplement when the question of beauty arises. To prevent wrinkles use
some cabbage juice with honey and apply on the face.
8. Carrot Juice: eating has a lot of
benefits, but applying directly on the face has a great benefit to get a
natural glow.
9. Honey with cinnamon powder: It looks
like getting your kitchen into your skin. Make the paste using 3 unit of honey
with 1 unit of cinnamon powder. Apply it on pimples and leave a night.
10. Aloe Vera
Juice: It is also a great natural healer. It prevents and reduces pigmentation
along with hydrating skin.
11. Mash banana with milk and apply it
on face . Leave it 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
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