Eating sweets is not the only cause for this disease. Stress and genes too play a major role in this. Although one cannot do much about it if it's genetic, it definitely doesn't harm to prevent it.

Soak a few seeds (1/4 tsps) of methi in water overnight. First thing after you brush your teeth in the morning, gulp down the methi along with the water.
Jambul fruit is considered as an effective medicine for diabetes considering its effect on pancreas. The seeds too can be dried, powdered and had with water twice a day.
The guava is among those fruits that are available in most times of the year. With its vitamin C property and high fibre content, this is perhaps one fruit that diabetics can fearlessly have. However, a recent study has shown that having guava with its skin can heighten the blood sugar levels, so make sure you peel off the skin before consumption.
Gooseberry/amla juice too cuts the blood sugar levels.
If you can't do without sugar in your coffee or tea, try and substitute honey.
Studies have shown that black coffee without sugar cuts the risk of Type 2 diabetes
Among other benefits, green tea is also helpful in reducing the blood sugar and insulin levels in the body
Talk to the eldest member in your family and am sure they will come up with a number of home remedies to prevent diabetes. Besides, make regular walk and exercise part of your routine.
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